Marsman square is part of a large reconstruction of the Haarlem district of Delftwijk. This part of Haarlem, built in the 60s, is transformed within a period of 10 years, starting in 2005.

What used to be the flipside of the shopping centre towards an unused landscape, was transformed into the heart and “living room” of the commercial and domestic development of east Haarlem. Three huge housing blocks are placed around a new shopping heart. The parking is situated underneath the main square. The colourful design has a living room feel. Thus creating the perfect conditions for people to gather and use the public space. During opening hours of the shops, but after hours as well. Because hundreds of people reside in the housing blocks. The whole transformation turned the orientation of Delftwijk. Changing the area from a grey infrastructure to a pleasant and colourful public space, situated at the border of typical Dutch landscape.

Nominated for the prestigious Lieven de Key Award for public space.

Location: Haarlem, The Netherlands
Client: Leyten
Date: 2010 - 2014
Category: Strategy, Landscape Architecture, Public Space