The municipality of Houten faces a large demand of new housing projects within the existing urban tissue. The focus is primarily on migration of the existing inhabitants from traditional row houses to new housing for seniors within their own neighbourhood. At the same time, there is a growing demand for good social housing for the same target group of the elderly. Transformation of existing neighbourhoods requires careful listening and acting, because one changes the living environment of people who have associated themselves with the identity of the neighbourhood in recent decades.
The existing residents (and target group) are highly involved in the participation process, but unfortunately the desired consensus has not been reached in an earlier phase.
Stijlgroep was asked to step in and participate in this process to provide both the spatial design and the participation for all involved: municipality, housing association and the neighbourhood. With united strength, confidence has been restored and the result achieved is an asset to the community: a new hidden gem within Den Oord, as a central meeting place for existing and new residents.
Location: Houten, The Netherlands
Client: Municipality of Houten, Viveste housing corporation, DOBB
Datum: 2019
Category: urbanism